As the most effective gravel stabilization grid for roads, geocell cuts company costs while providing a sturdy foundation. You can bypass yearly maintenance and re-graveling high-traffic roads by making the most of the material already present.

Geocell accomplishes just that by stabilizing the road itself for erosion control and a reduced environmental impact.

Learn more about how geocell foundation grids can benefit your firm and the gravel roads you stabilize.

How does Geocell Stabilize Gravel for Roads?

Unlike traditional options, geocell stabilizes the road and the gravel sitting on top for a strong vehicle surface overall.

This honeycomb structure locks gravel in-between each cell and prevents it from washing or blowing away. Similarly, the HDPE (high-density polyethylene) panel system disperses vehicle weight across the entire foundation when supporting the road.

You can trust geocell gravel roads to support heavier and more frequent vehicle loads while maintaining structural integrity for years to come.

Benefits of Geocell for Stabilizing Gravel Roads

As a foundation for roadways, geocell offers numerous benefits, including gravel stabilization. These expand to other engineering projects, including slope stabilization and shoreline protection.

Our team would be glad to evaluate your specific project over a call and explain the specific value propositions of Geocell.

Groundwater Recharging

Geocell gravel stabilization grids have a perforated surface, allowing for water to pass through into the ground.

Cutting out pooling and flooding problems, your clients can worry less about gravel roads that deteriorate over time. High-flood and rain regions benefit the most from geocell as a road foundation.

Dust Control

Instead of creating more dust from a gravel road surface, you can lock the material in with geocell. The durable honeycomb structure takes the brunt of vehicle traffic that alleviates load support of the base.

Geocell also acts as a replacement for traditional dust control options that can be harmful to the environment, such as asphalts and various chlorides.

Support Soft Soil Roads

One of the biggest challenges engineers face when stabilizing gravel roads is working with weak or compromised soil types. With geocell, you don’t have to forego the project and provide adequate load support without treating the road with chemicals.

33% Less Excavation Depth

When you save on the amount of digging, you’re also decreasing material costs in addition to labor. Gravel roads are easier and faster to install when crews don’t have to haul as much gravel and spend as much time installing.

Eco-Friendly Foundation

Upholding your firm’s promise to protect native ecosystems, geocell is a non-toxic foundation for roadway soil. It doesn’t require the use of chemicals and you can unearth the panel system to reuse for other projects.

Gravel driveway, path, and parking stabilization

Stabilizing gravel driveways, recreational paths, and parking lots, geocell applies to other relevant load support contexts too.

The same benefits apply while allowing you the ability to customize its tensile strength, depending on the amount and type of vehicle traffic you’ll receive.

Geocell panel systems also reduce the effects of heat islands by allowing for green infill materials, such as grass.

We recommend speaking to a BaseCore Engineer to consult your project for a unique, affordable material fit.

How to Install Geocell for Gravel Roads

By following 8 simple steps, your firm can install geocell for gravel roads without any hiccups. Landscape labor and construction works can even stake and infill the panel system to reduce company costs.

Take a look at our installation guide for roadways to see how geocell goes into the ground.

Stabilize Gravel Roads for Less

With less environmental impact, fewer costs, and less installation labor, it only makes sense to construct roads with geocell. It’s a tried-and-true road foundation that the US Army has used since the Vietnam War for temporary access roads.

Our team can help you stabilize gravel on various roadway applications with the same reliable product. Trust BaseCore Engineers to evaluate your project and provide a quote for how much geocell you’ll need to finish the job.

Give us a call today at (888)-511-1553 so we can get you started on installing geocell for your clients.